Source By : Anime-mp3
general tests together
26 November - 2 Desember
this time :3
I stop while in Winter 2015 through Spring 2015 from this blog, because I want to close the test
Stabilization Exam, School Final Examination and the National Examination in Junior High.
So, I want to focus on learning from the mid-month in January
there is a lot that I was busy for the important and seek gets a passing grade junior
sometime we again update. :)
I'll see you again and wait for update our anime in Summer 2015
Fan page FB :
PM :
26 November - 2 Desember
I stop while in Winter 2015 through Spring 2015 from this blog, because I want to close the test
Stabilization Exam, School Final Examination and the National Examination in Junior High.
So, I want to focus on learning from the mid-month in January
there is a lot that I was busy for the important and seek gets a passing grade junior
sometime we again update. :)
I'll see you again and wait for update our anime in Summer 2015
If asked please to PM or click on our fb fan page.
Fan page FB :
PM :
Posted by : Unknown
Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014
戦国BASARA Judge End オリジナル・サウンドトラック
Composed & Arranged by Masahiro Tokuda
Catalog No. VPCG-84985
≪Track List≫
1. 戦国BASARA~時は戦国~ (3分24秒)
2. 戦国BASARA Judge End (4分53秒)
3. Are you ready Guys? (1分56秒)
4. 天下獲りのpartyの始まりだ! (3分44秒)
5. 流れ落ちる星々 (2分13秒)
6. 竜の右目 (2分18秒)
7. 真田源二郎幸村、いざ尋常に勝負! (3分25秒)
8. お館様ぁぁぁぁぁぁ (1分40秒)
9. 威風堂々 (2分1秒)
10. アンタとの戦いは格別だ (2分16秒)
11. 目から溢れる血の涙 (3分2秒)
12. 乱戦 (1分55秒)
13. 人と人をつなぐ想い (1分38秒)
14. 絆の力 (2分36秒)
15. 忠誠 (1分53秒)
16. 凶王 (2分46秒)
17. 煙鳥翔華 (1分41秒)
18. 戦国最強 (1分44秒)
19. 遥か遠くを見据え (1分56秒)
20. 迷いの中 (1分52秒)
21. 義は我らにある (1分52秒)
22. 全ては我が盤上の元に (2分11秒)
23. 西海の鬼 (2分5秒)
24. 覇道のあだ花として散れ (1分49秒)
25. 黒い手 (2分27秒)
26. 戦場のかく乱 (2分17秒)
27. 禍々しきもの (1分51秒)
28. 天下をかけた戦いの火蓋 (4分34秒)
29. 絆に心 (2分20秒)
30. 北極星~ポラリス~ (5分2秒)
31. 北極星~ポラリス~ (TVサイズ) (1分21秒)
File Size: 174 MB 【 TF | MC 】
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Sorry its anime OST, just want to Share it. :3
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Kurasa Update nya di hari Rabu atau Kamis atau Jumat
Di Sub Indo
-Gundam: G no Reconguista
Kami Drop dulu yang dilewatkan episode 3-8
saya Kudet (Kurang update) gara-gara ada tugas PR yang diselesaikan, tetapi update di Hari Rabu hanya update Sub English saja.
-Karen Senki
kebiasaan saya kebanyakan update di minggu, kita mengambil di hari rabu
-Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete
Sepertinya saya lagi gak ada kerjaan update, tetapi update terlalu kelewatan :3